
Identification of Surrogate Biomarkers for the Prediction of Patients at Risk of Low Macular Pigment in Type 2 Diabetes

Purpose; This cross-sectional study compared macular pigment (MP) levels among persons with Type 2 diabetes relative to healthy controls.

Myopia Outcome Study of Atropine in Children (MOSAIC): an investigator-led, double-masked, placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trial protocol

Background: The Myopia Outcome Study of Atropine in Children (MOSAIC) aims to explore the efficacy, safety, acceptability and mechanisms of action of 0.01% unpreserved atropine for myopia control in a European population. Methods: MOSAIC is an …

Parental attitudes to myopia: a key agent of change for myopia control?

PURPOSE:With the increasing prevalence in myopia there is growing interest in active myopia prevention. This study aims to increase our understanding of parental attitudes to myopia development and control, as a means to inform future health planning …

Barriers to glaucoma case finding as perceived by optometrists in Ireland

Background: This research was designed to provide an in-depth exploration of the per- ceptions of optometrists relating to the challenges of glaucoma case finding in the Irish health-care system. Methods: A survey was developed, piloted and …

Centre for Eye Research Ireland

My optomentry research with Prof James Loughman is to investigate the causes, impacts and intervetions of glaucoma and myopia, for more detail go to the Centre for Eye Research Ireland (CERI).

The relationship between serum zinc levels and myopia

Clinical significance: Nutritional status influences growth and development, including that of the eye. However, little attention has been given to possible dietary influences in myopia. This study demonstrates that serum zinc has no relationship …